2 Trees Plus Tiny Dresden Template Sets - Tiny Dresden & Tiny & Little Trees included

  • $44.00
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Enjoy 2 sizes of my tree template sets PLUS my Tiny Dresden plate template too with one click! Tiny Tree makes 3'' x 4 1/2'' finished blocks, Little Tree makes 4 1/2'' x 6" finished blocks & Tiny Dresden plates are 4" in diameter (finish at 4 1/2" when appliqued onto a block).

Cut strips, then cut trees, tree backgrounds & Dresden petals, then sit to sew quick little trees & Dresden plates! 

But that's not all, you can also make star blocks, banner borders & more with this same templates!

Instructions are included on insert included with each set.

This set is coordinated to use with my We Wish You A Merry Christmas pattern, but I have many patterns that use all 3 templates, plus I have even more patterns that use just 1 or 2!

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