Lectures and Workshops


Having Fun In Your Sewing Room


Having Fun In Your Sewing Room, Trunk Show. Love to quilt but can't find the time? I can help you budget your time to include the passion you love, quilting! While showing my own quilts, I'll discusses choosing the right projects, setting up your sewing room or area, storage, plus other household tasks such as cooking and cleaning. Just a few minutes each day will produce quilts that you and your family will treasure.

Me, Myself & My Quilts


Me, Myself & My Quilts, Trunk Show. Let me tell you a bit about myself, how I started quilting & then designing my own quilts which led me to start my business, Suzn Quilts. I'll explain how my tools & notions make my quilting experience easy & fun! I'll be bringing lots of quilts to show and hopefully inspire you to sew some of them yourself! 

Feed Sack Fascination

Feed Sack Fascination, Trunk Show. I'm fascinated by feed sacks & items created with them from this historical time when many seamstresses were creatively challenged to use feed, flour & sugar sacks for cloth to create for their families. Presentation will include a bit of history of the evolution of the tens of thousands of cotton sacks printed in this era, but I'll wow you with some of the  many period sacks from my collection along with quilts, clothes, doll clothes and other household items all made of sacks; many in unbelievable pristine condition. I hope you'll be inspired to sew with reproduction prints available today or maybe start collecting the originals yourself.


Darling, Dainty Dresdens

Darling, Dainty Dresdens, Workshop. Let me teach you to make darling, dainty little Dresden plates. It's not hard when I show you all the tricks, tips & tools that I've discovered to make perfectly round, flat plates. Choose either my Tiny Dresden Series, letting each participant choose their own month, or choose another of my Dresden plate patterns.


3 hour, half-day class will include Dresden plate assembly techniques only.

(3 hour class must be combined with a lecture or another class.)


6 hour, full-day class will include putting Dresden plate blocks into a quilt.

Trees, Trees & More Trees


Trees, Trees & More Trees Workshop.
Trees aren't just for Christmas! 

Choose either my Forest Stroll quilt or Fa la la Forest table runner pattern along with the coordinating tree template sets & your favorite fabrics to create fast, fun & accurate trees! Learn how not only quick plastic template cutting is, but also how incredibly accurate it is too. Even the most beginner of quilters will enjoy this class!


6 hours.



Quilt-as-you-go, Workshop. Some of my most popular patterns are my quick & easy quilt-as-you-go quilts. Learn to make a table runner, place mat, lap or baby size quilt that you really can make & finish in a day! My quick & easy technique will have you sewing & finishing quilts for all your loved ones.


6 hours. Most all quilt-as-you-go patterns will apply to this class.

Machine Freezer Paper or Fusible Appliqué


Machine Freezer Paper or Fusible Appliqué, Workshop. Let me inspire you with the right tools and easy techniques to make either turned edge freezer paper or raw edge fusible appliqué your new favorite technique. I have many table runner as well as various wall size quilt patterns to choose from for your workshop.


6 hours

2023 & 2024 Fees

Lecture $500 ($450 if booked with a workshop)

6 Hour Workshop $800

3 Hour Workshop $600

Workshops are based on 20 max. attendees. 

In addition, travel & lodging required. Trips involving air travel require minimum of 2 full days of programming.

Contact me for date availability at:


Dates for availability are guaranteed for 30 days.

Sorry, dates will not be guaranteed after 30 days, nor will notice be given when the 30 days have expired when no contract has been agreed upon.

 2025 Fees

Lecture $500 ($475 if booked with a workshop)

6 Hour Workshop $850

3 Hour Workshop $650

Workshops are based on 20 max. attendees. 

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