Product Updates
Try as we might to grasp perfection, there are times when mistakes get past me, my editor and my testers! This page is devoted to the ones that slipped past us. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Row, Row, Row Your Boat: Supply list update, should read 1/2 Yd. Background fabric.
Christmas Day & Christmas Night patterns, page 1 update
Click image below to go to download for page 1 update.
Yardage correction:
3/4 Yd. Black fabric #1 for candy corn blocks & binding
Cutting corrections:
Cream fabric #2
Cut 3 strips 1 3/4" x width of fabric.
Gold fabric
Cut 3 strips 1 1/2" x width of fabric.
Orange fabric #1
Cut 3 strips 1 1/2" x width of fabric.
Black fabric #1
Cut 3 strips 4 1/4" x width of fabric.
Page 1 instructions correction:
Make 3 candy corn strip sets.
Dresden Flags
Page 1
Large Flag Cutting
Each of 4 Blue with white fabrics
Cut 1 strip 2 3/4" x width of fabric (4 total).
Cut 12 squares 2 3/4" (48 total).
When you sew them together (page 3)
Make Dresden Plate Background Squares
Sew 4 different Blue with white 2 3/4" squares together to make a 5", 4-Patch block. Press.
If you've already made the blocks with the wrong size blue squares, don't remake them. Cut down the cream & red strips to 2 1/2" each or if they're sewn together already too, fold them right sides together & trim 1/4" off the strip's long edge that doesn't have the seam. Your finished flag will just be a little bit smaller.